(The Easy Version - not
requiring years of training)
1 deep-sea blow fish
50g sea bream or other
white fish,
absolutely fresh,
filleted 3—4 radishes 2—3 spring onions a few sprigs of watercress
an eggcup full of light
soy sauce to use as a dip, mixed with:
1 teaspoon mustard or
2 teaspoons lemon juice
or 1 clove garlic, crushed
here is not to use any of the blowfish whatsoever,, since every single
part of it is deadly in a very unpleasant way. Basic'ly, they'd be able to bury
you in an envelope. So, after covering all work surfaces, dispose of the
blow-fish very carefully. Better yet, get someone else, perhaps someone you
don't like very much but who doesn't owe you any money, to dispose of the
blowfish. An incinerator would be an ideal place, provided the smoke is blowing
in the direction of unnecessary people.
Of course, you might ask
why bother to obtain a deep-sea blow-fish at all? Well, if you do not, the dish
will still be very pleasant. But it will not have that delicate frisson, as
they call it, which lifts the dish to gastronomic heaven. Connoisseurs claim
they can tell by the taste if a blowfish has been anywhere near the kitchen on
the day of preparation, and woe betide the chef who just couldn't be
bothered to go out
and buy one. They say the
dish knows there's been a blowfish nearby.
I heard where some wizards
reckon that the blowfish business is a bit like that idea that water remembers
what's been in it. That's pretty clever. But when you think of some of the
things that people have put in water, and then remember that water goes round
and round again, maybe it's best to drink beer.
My feelin' is that people
know the dish is a genuine blowfish dish when they've been charged $100 for it.
If some food wasn't so expensive, no one would eat it.
Since blowfish are so very
expensive, perhaps you'd just better settle for the rest of the recipe:
Check the fish for any
scales or bones and remove any you find. Place in a colander and quickly pour
boiling water over it, then immediately plunge the fish into a bowl of
cold water; the object is not to cook it but to make sure it is clean.
Finely slice the radishes
and spring onion (lengthways) and arrange into pretty patterns on two plates,
along with the watercress. Using a very sharp knife, carefully slice the fish
as thinly as possible. Serve immediately, with the soy dip.
Бананановый суп сюрприз.
Люди спрашивают: «Что удивительного в
бананановом супе?». А я отвечаю: «Наличие в нем банананов». Конечно, если Вы когда-нибудь читали мою книгу
«Закуски Джоуи», то заметите, что некоторые из моих специальных ингредиентов здесь
опущены. Люди жаловались, что они делают суп немного излишне удивительным.
На 4 порции.
4 больших очищенных банана
470 мл. овощного бульона
155 мл. сухого хереса
1 ч. ложка мускатного ореха
1 ч. ложка коричневого сахара
2 ч. ложки нарезанного кервеля
1 ч. ложка лимонного сока
щепотка соли и перца
Измельчить два бананана и положить в кастрюлю с бульоном. Перемешивать до тех пор, пока не получится пюре. Медленно довести смесь до кипения (но ни в коем случае не кипятить!!!) и добавить остальные ингредиенты. Осторожно перемешивать 2-3 минуты, дабы убедиться, что весь сахар растворился, и кипятить еще 5 минут на медленном огне, частенько помешивая.
Возьмите оставшиеся 2 бананана и разрежьте каждый из них поперек на 2 половинки. Поставьте по половинке в каждую тарелку, острым концом вверх. Разлить суп по тарелкам и подавать на стол.
Сюрприз, не правда ли?
All right, it's not that
astonishing. They wouldn't let me add all the inter-estin' bits, especially the
aubergine. They said someone's wife laughed. I just think mealtimes should be
amusing. That's my opinion.
1 large head of celery
300(7 cooked nee
1 green pepper, seeded
and chopped 3 tomatoes,
60g grated Parmesan
cheese 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon chopped tarragon 1 egg, beaten salt
and pepper
2OO°C/Gas 6. Prepare the celery by carefully removing the inner stalks, any
leaves, mud, etc., to form a hollow. Mix together all the
remaining ingredients except the egg, and check seasoning. Bind together
with the egg-
Take a large piece of
lightly oiled cooking foil and place it on a baking tray. Place the celery on
the foil and stuff it with the mixture. Tie with string around the loose ends
to prevent the stuffing falling out, wrap in the foil, and bake
in the oven for lV2-2 hours until celery is tender.
To serve, carefully
unwrap and place on an oval serving platter with two judiciously placed baked
potatoes mayhap. Carve at the table.
Первичный бульон
Очень популярное блюдо в Незримом Университете (и, по слухам, среди богов – тоже). Считается, что именно из этого супа развилась вся жизнь, и если вам будет лень выплескивать его несколько дней, то жизнь в нем определенно заведется. *
На 4 порции, как основное блюдо или на 6, как первое блюдо.
470 мл. рыбного бульона
50 гр. филе семги или лосося
50 гр. филе трески
12 очищенных мидий
50 гр. крабового мяса (приготовленного) или 4 крабовые палочки, разделить на волокна
6-10 маленьких щупалец осьминога, очищенных
230 гр. консервированной томатной пасты
150 мл. сухого белого вина
2-3 зубчика чеснока, раздавленные
1 ст. ложка порезанной петрушки
1 ст. ложка порезанного укропа
1 ч. ложка паприки
2 гнезда вермишели (прибл. 25 гр. каждое)
100 гр. креветок, вареных и очищенных
несколько капель коричнево-зеленого пищевого красителя (не обязательно)
1 крупное яйцо, взбитое
соль и перец.
Разогрейте рыбный бульон в большой кастрюле. Нарежьте крупными кусками семгу и треску и опустите в бульон.
Варите на небольшом огне, пока рыба не будет почти готова. Затем снимите кастрюлю с огня и перемешивайте суп до тех пор, пока куски рыбы не распадутся на волокна. Вновь поставьте кастрюлю на огонь, добавьте мидии, крабовое мясо и щупальца осьминога. Доведите до кипения, снимите с огня. Добавьте томатную пасту и вино, положите зелень, чеснок, приправы, вермишель и креветки, и варите до готовности вермишели. Если необходимо, добавьте коричневый пищевой краситель и специи. В заключение влейте взбитое яйцо, аккуратно помешивая. Затем доведите смесь до кипения и кипятите несколько секунд, снимайте с плиты и подавайте на стол.
*Теоретически (см. Наука Плоского мира) первичный бульон должен быть ярко-бирюзового цвета. Но ни кого там не было, так чего же волноваться?
and Water
donated by Lord Vetinari, Patrician of Ankh-Morpork)
3 whole, freshly baked
loaves 1 flagon freshly drawn water
may be, there is always someone, isn't there, who feels that his diet might be
improved by some artificial additive, such as arsenic. Many rulers have sought
ways to avoid this. This is one classical method:
Have sufficient dough made
to make three loaves of bread. Bake the resulting loaves in an oven. Both these
operations should be supervised by at least two reliable employees.
Select one of the three
loaves (the other two must be eaten by the baker). Slice it. Select slices at
random and have these tested in your presence by members of the Palace staff
(or members of your family if you are not fortunate enough to live in a
palace). From the remaining slices select one; place this on a plate selected
at random from the kitchens. Have the remaining plates licked by the kitchen
staff; pause to observe any negative reactions to this operation, or to the
earlier slice-testing.
In the meantime, have
a bucket of water drawn from the well. Have this boiled, poured into a
flagon and cooled. From this flagon pour four glasses of water. Select three at
random and have them drunk by different members of the Palace staff from those
who are testing the bread/plates.
You might now believe that
you have a glass of water and some slices of bread that are free of poison, in
which case you have failed to grasp the situation. There are such things as
antidotes, which even a trainee poisoner will have taken as a precautionary
measure. And then of course there was the case of Lord Samphire: the bread
passed the test, and so did
the water. The problem came to light only if you ate the bread and then
drank the water.
Here is my preferred
method, which has stood me in good stead.
1 Arrange the politics of
the country over a period of years so that poisoning you will be more trouble
than it is worth and interfere with the private ambitions of too many people
just at the moment.
2 Make sure that there are
among the city's civil service some unpredictable men who will consider your
poisoning a personal insult against them, and generally cause a lot of fuss.
3 Then eat what you please.
Colon's Genyoom Klatcbian Curry
A note from the editors:
Few recipes in
these pages have caused so much debate as this one. Anyone over the age of
forty knows how the classic recipe goes, because it has been invented and
reinvented thousands of times by ladies who have heard about foreign parts but
have no wish to bite into them.
Its mere existence is a
telling argument for a liberal immigration policy.
Like real curry, it
includes any ingredients that are to hand. The resemblance stops there,
however. It must use bright green peas, lumps of swede and, for the
connoisseur of gastronomic history, watery slivers of turnip. For wateriness
is the key to this curry; its 'sauce' should be very thin and of an
unpleasant if familiar colour. And it must use a very small amount of 'curry
powder', a substance totally unknown in those areas where curry grows
naturally, as it were; sometimes it's enough just to take the unopened tin out
of the pantry and wave it vaguely over the pan. Oh, and remember that the
sultanas must be yellow and swollen. And soggy. And sort of gritty, too
(ah, you remember . . .)
Last-minute warning: This recipe has been changed
slightly in order to make it quite nice really. Well, better than the
real thing, anyway. A lot better, come to think of it.
Foreigner-free curry is probably the nearest most humans get to the philosophy
behind dwarf bread; the mere thought of it makes you prepared to eat
almost anything else.
2 tablespoons sunflower
1 large omon, roughly
2 cloves garlic, chopped
225g broccoli florets
1 red pepper, seeded and
1 green pepper, seeded
and chopped
350g swede, chopped and
until just tender 225g
peas (frozen mil be fine) 50g raisins or sultanas 1 teaspoon each of ground
cumin and coriander
1 teaspoon curry powder
(optional, for old time s sake) /2 teaspoon ground turmeric 175ml coconut milk
250ml vegetable stock
tomato puree to thicken, if needed 2 teaspoons brown mustard seeds salt and
black pepper
180°C/Gas 4. Heat the oil in a large frying pan. Add the onion, garlic,
broccoli, peppers and cook until the onion starts to soften. Then add the
part-cooked swede, the peas and raisins and cook gently for a further 5
minutes. Add the spices (but not the mustard seeds), the coconut milk and about
half the vegetable stock. Cook for a further 10 minutes or so, adding extra stock
if the mixture needs it. If it seems too runny, add a little tomato puree to
Transfer the mixture to a casserole dish, season, sprinkle with the mustard seeds, cover and cook in the oven for about 45 minutes. Serve with rice or nan bread. Run away. %
Fred Colon of Ankh-Mbrpork City Watch is a man known to be against 'anything
foreign' in all walks of life. This curry, devised by his wife, is one of a
range of special 'morporkified' Colon dishes that include the Fish 'n' Chip Pizza,
Fried Sushi and smorgasbord with the tops on.
Sheep s
Everyone knows they eat
sheep's eyes in
Klatch, but no one reports
actually seeing
them doin' it.* I call this
Oh, yes, they offer
them to guests.
I bet if I lived in a
desert I'd do
anything for a laugh, too.
recipe is, er, restored.
That is,
it's a complete fake. But
it's a lot
more edible.
eyeball-sized pickled
onions (as many as you wish to make)
stuffed green olives
tube of cream cheese
of each onion, taking care to leave the outer skins intact except for a hole at
either end. (Note: one of the holes must be big enough to have an olive
pushed through it.) Half fill the skin with cream cheese and then insert an
olive, making sure that the stuffing is visible . . . some of the cheese should
squirt out of the other end, making a 'tail'. If it doesn't, squirt in more
until it does!
*See Jingo
for the correct etiquette when offered sheep's eyes.
Your classic Sto Plains
Slumpie, one of Ankh-Morpork's most famous dishes, is one of your
stick-to-the-ribs meals, 'cos there's times when it's too cold for any of that
fancy vitamin stuff. Technic'ly, Slumpie should have vast amounts of mashed-up
elderly potatoes and swedes, with a big knob of butter to help 'em, but
Slumpie is a bit like chop suey, which is Agatean for 'all the labels
have fallen off the tins', and you can make it out of more or less
anything so long as you call it Slumpie. This one has got some actual flavour,
and is designed as a main dish rather than as something to stop the meat
falling off the plate.
500g minced beef
1 tablespoon vegetable
3 cloves garlic, chopped
WOg fresh mushrooms,
470ml beef stock
470ml dark ale
375g frozen leaf spinach
1 tablespoon tomato
puree I heaped teaspoon rubbed sage 1 heaped teaspoon English mustard salt and
60g butter and 60g
flour, mixed to a smooth paste (optional; use, if required, to thicken the
BROWN THE MINCE in the oil
with the garlic. Add the mushrooms, stock and ale and bring to the boil. Add
the spinach and the rest of the ingredients and bring back to the boil. Simmer
for about half an hour or until the liquid has reduced by about a quarter.
Serve with clooty dumplings
(page 56), or with mash.
Картофельные лепешки от Ринсвинда
Примечание от редакторов: Мы признаем наличие некоторых трудностей в получении рецепта от Ринсвинда, самого известного волшебника Незримого университета. Это связано с большим количеством беготни на огромной скорости, поскольку главный талант Ринсвинда - это удирать сломя голову от чего угодно пугающего, и если задуматься, то это довольно хорошее определение мироздания. Оригинальный рецепт, который он выкрикнул из-за плеча, звучал так: «Картофель! Уйма картофеля! В кожуре! В гигантских, огромных ваннах масла!»
Это показалось нам очень похожим на рецепт Библиотекаря (см. стр. 80), хотя здесь используется скорее овощ, чем фрукт (за исключением того, что формально картофель – это орех).
Однако мы понимаем, что Ринсвинд был настолько далек от вещи, которая делает жизнь заслуживающей внимания (картофеля), что он будет, есть все, в чем есть картофель.
1 луковица, мелко нарезанная
350 гр. приготовленного картофельного пюре
1 чайная ложка шалфея
1 или 2 взбитых яйца
100 гр. белых панировочных сухарей
подсолнечное масло
Припустить лук в небольшом количестве масла. Перемешать картофельное пюре с шалфеем и луком, охладить смесь. Из смеси сделать маленькие пирожки с начинкой из говядины. Обмакиваете пирожок в яйцо, а потом в сухари. Жарите на сковородке до золотисто коричневого цвета.
Лепешки просто восхитительны и их можно есть на бегу.
Sybil Vimes's Kedgeree
I have to tell you that
this should have been a recipe from Commander Vimes of Ankh-Morpork City Watch.
He is a man who thinks that if it isn't fried it isn't really food, and the
recipe would have been Pork Scratchings Cookies, which are a real treat
for anyone whose favourite food group is Burnt Crunchy Bits.
However, Lady Sybil
feels that since he's a Duke and a Sir and a couple of other things as well her
husband should have more nobby* tastes, and there's nothing more nobby
than those breakfasts where you have to lift three silver lids before you even
find something you recognize. Even though he feels a bit of a class traitor.
Commander Vimes agrees that there's nothing like a bit of early-morning
haddock to build an empire.
I always say that if you've
got a good breakfast inside you you can face anything the day has in store.
is not the same as the same tastes as Nobby Nobbs, and certainly not the
same as the taste of Nobby. Sometimes even my mind can boggle a bit.
150g long-grain nee
125ml milk 125ml water 450g smoked haddock
50g butter
1 tablespoon mild curry powder
2 hardboiled eggs,
chopped salt and pepper
ADD THE RICE to a saucepan
of boiling salted water and cook until al dente (posh for one step away
from being mushy) - about 15-20 minutes. Drain and rinse it, and leave in the
In a frying pan heat the
milk and water to simmering point, add the fish and poach gently for about 5
minutes. Lift out the fish and carefully remove the skin and bones; break up
the flesh into medium-sized pieces. Discard the cooking liquid.
Melt half the butter in the
frying pan, blend in the curry powder, add the flaked fish and warm the mixture
through. Remove from the heat and stir in the chopped eggs. Season with salt
and pepper.
In a separate pan melt the
remaining butter, add the rice and stir well to coat the grains. Season, then
add this mixture to the fish and eggs. Mix well.
Serve on a warmed dish.
Then go out and conquer a continent.
As my dad
used to say, if you're goin' to have a haddock you don't want a fin'un. By the time
they got all the way up to Lancre, in the mountains, the fish were high
in more ways than one and a good cook would try all sorts of ideas to disguise
the flavour, such as serving it in delicate sauces, often
involving creosote, or, in the worst cases, wrapping it in lead foil and
throwing it over a cliff. This one is for fish who aren't so far gone!
30g butter
a dash of olive oil
1 medium onion, sliced
375g smoked haddock fillets
(skins removed) 300m/
fish stock
300ml dry cider 2—3 sprigs of tarragon, chopped 2—3
sprigs of chervil, chopped 1 tablespoon wholegram mustard salt and pepper
MELT THE BUTTER in a large
pan with the olive oil, add the onion and saute for around 5 minutes until
softened, taking care not to burn it. Add the fish and cook for a couple of
minutes on each side, then pour in the cider and enough of the stock to cover
the fish. Add the remaining ingredients and stir gently. Bring to the boil,
cover the pan and leave to simmer for a further 5 minutes. When the fillets
start to break up, season to taste. No creosote need be used.
Howondaland Curry
from the writings of Ponce da Quirm)
Ponce da
Quirm spent his whole life exploring foreign parts, I heard, and maybe it was
because people laughed at his name.* Apparently he was looking for the Fountain
of Youth and the odd thing about this sort of business is that it's never, ever
close to. You'd think, on average, that some of these lost
fountains of youth, trees of life and cities of gold would be really
close, but they never are. And you never get people from a long way off
coming to our part of the world lookin' for, as it might be, the
Cottage of Doom or the Lost Chicken Shed.
brought back fourteen different kinds of plant and seven inter-estin' sorts of
animal to this part of the world, but he insisted very firmly that none
of them were named after him. That's how everyone remembers him.
This curry
was one he made up durin' a period when he was shipwrecked on an island that had
nothing but great big fat chickeny-birds that couldn't even fly. He did leave
one, though, so's not to upset the balance of nature. Sometimes I reckon
it would be better if there was a Fountain of Growing Up.
4 chicken breasts,
skinned and
cut into cubes small pot
natural yoghurt 1cm piece of ginger root, grated 6—8 garlic cloves, crushed 2 tablespoons olive oil
1 large onion, chopped 4 fresh green chilli
peppers, seeded and finely chopped I2 tablespoon ground cumin I2 tablespoon
ground coriander 1 teaspoon turmeric
* See Eric.
1 400ml tin of
coconut milk
salt to taste
fresh coriander leaves,
Note: You could use a tin
of tomatoes instead of the coconut milk, or liquidized cashew nuts.
MIX THE CHICKEN cubes in a
bowl with the yoghurt, half the grated ginger and half the crushed garlic.
Leave for at least half an hour, or, better, overnight.
Heat the oil in a large
pan, and cook the chopped onion for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally,
until it is a definite brown. Some bits might be even dark brown - this changes
the taste and makes the curry sweeter.
Stir in half the chillies,
the remaining ginger and garlic, and the powdered spices. You should have a
paste. Tip in the coconut milk and cook for about 8-10 minutes, or until the mixture
starts to get really dry and the oil starts to come out (this shouldn't happen
unless the heat is too high).
When it all looks
thoroughly cooked and a nice thick sauce consistency, add the chicken and yoghurt
mix, and a splash of water (about half a mug) and some salt. You could add a
bit of lemon juice and a pinch of sugar if you want. Turn the heat down if it's
higher than mediumish, and let it simmer away slowly for 15-30 minutes.
Just before the end (5
minutes) add chopped green chillies to taste. You can put chopped fresh
coriander leaves on the top, if you like, for that authentic Howondaland
restaurant look.
Eat with nan. In fact,
invite all your relatives.
Пирог с
устрицами и морковью.
Морковь помогает Вам видеть в темноте, а устрицы дают то, на что
смотреть, так я обычно говорю. Я
всегда готовила это пирог для первого Господина Ягга, и он ни когда не
жаловался. Уверяю Вас, он никогда не
Считается, что устрицы делают Вас весьма игривым. Однако посмотрите на устрицу в пруду. Возвратитесь несколько часов спустя и взгляните на нее снова. Вы заметили какие-либо изменения? Нет. То есть именно настолько устрицы игривы. Мне рассказывали, что процесс создания новых устриц происходит далеко от самих устриц, и я не вижу в этом ничего привлекательного для людей.
Примечание: Вы можете использовать свежих устриц (примерно 12 штук), но, на самом деле, можно взять и консервированных, так намного проще, и они всегда доступны.
На две порции
85 гр. консервированных, копченых устриц в масле
125 гр. тертой моркови
1 ч. ложка нарезанного кервеля
1 ч. ложка нарезанного укропа
150 мл. Шабли (или другого сухого белого вина)
300 мл. рыбного бульона
30 гр. сыра Стилтон
250 гр. слоеного теста
Предварительно разогреть духовку до 200 градусов Цельсия.
Смешать устриц с морковью и травами в
небольшой кастрюле. Влить вино и добавить бульона так, чтобы жидкость закрыла
смесь, сверху накрошить сыр.
Раскатать тесто в блин примерно 1 см. толщиной и тщательно закрыть им кастрюлю. Обрезать все излишки теста и сделать сверху маленькое отверстие для выхода пара. Выпекать в верхней части духовки примерно 25 - 30 минут или пока тесто не поднимется и станет золотисто коричневым.
Mrs Whitlow's
Artery-Hardening Hogswatcb Pie
This is the pie favoured by
Mrs Whitlow, housekeeper at Unseen University, as a handy snack for
wizards around the dark time of year. It may seem difficult to feed a lot of
hungry wizards, but experience has taught her, she says, to put something large
in front of them. It often doesn't matter much what it is.
However, it is a
matter of pride to her that it should be something worthwhile. It is sometimes
as long as two hours between meals at UU, and a senior wizard will
definitely feel rather peckish. This is a good filler.
45 Og plain flour 1
teaspoon salt lOOg lard
150ml water
4 tablespoons milk
225g lean pork, minced 225g cooked ham, finely
chopped 1 small onion, finely chopped I2 teaspoon ground allspice
I2 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1 teaspoon dried rubbed sage
35 Og cooked pork
cocktail sausages beaten ew, to daze
aV o
2 teaspoons powdered
gelatine 150ml hot ham stock
salt and pepper
2OO°C/Gas 6. Grease a raised pie mould, 18-20cm round, or a 1kg loaf tin. To
make the pastry, sift the flour and salt into a mixing bowl. Put the lard,
water and milk in a saucepan, stir over a medium heat until the lard is melted
and then bring to the boil. Pour on to the
flour and work into a
pliable dough. Knead lightly. Roll out three-quarters of the pastry and use to
line the greased pie mould or tin.
To make the filling,
combine the pork, ham, onion, spices and sage in a bowl and season well with
salt and pepper. Put half of this mixture in the base of the pie, cover with
the whole cocktail sausages and then with the remaining minced pork mixture.
Roll out the remaining
pastry for a lid (saving a little for decoration), and cut a small hole in the
top. Dampen the pie's pastry edges, cover with the lid and press well together.
Roll out the last bits of pastry and make sausage or pig shapes; arrange these
on the top, finally brushing the whole with beaten egg. Bake in the oven for 30
minutes. Reduce the temperature and bake for a further 1 A -1 12 hours,
covering the pie with greaseproof paper when it is sufficiently browned.
Dissolve the gelatine in
the stock, season well and add the port. As the pie cools, pour the
stock into the pie through a funnel inserted in the hole, tilting the
pie to ensure that the stock is evenly distributed inside the pie.
Cool, then chill
overnight until firm, before removing from the tin. Serve cut into
slices. .
Ron Faqon Ombres
A bit of an odd one, this.
It's foreign for 'Man's boots in mud'. They say that a posh restaurant in
Ankh-Morpork ended up one day with nothing in its larder but mud and old boots
and a restaurant full of people.* Now, some people might call this a tragedy,
or at least a bit of a problem, but since the art of cuisine is to make
something out of nothing and charge a lot of money for doing it, the chefs got
cracking and produced such a range of delicacies that now old boots fetch quite
a high price in the city and rare, sun-dried muds are imported from foreign
This recipe has been
adjusted to give the look but, I hope, not the taste.
350f topside of beef thinly sliced
3—4 tablejpoons dark soy sauce 500f mushrooms, very finely
chopped 300ml dark ale or stout
2 cloves garlic, crushed
2—3 teaspoons
chopped dill 470ml beef stock salt and pepper
soy sauce for 2-3 hours. Preheat the oven to 19O°C/Gas 5-6. Put the beef in a
casserole dish with the mushrooms and add the ale. Add the garlic and dill and
enough stock to cover. Season to taste. Cover and cook in the oven for 1 12 hours.
Remove the lid and cook for a further 20-30 minutes to allow the 'mud' to
reduce a little.
1Vote: The classic accompaniment,
according to the Ankh-Morpork beggar, man about town and street gastrognome
Arnold Sideways, is a rusty tin half filled with paint thinner. I would suggest
something else. Practically anything else, really. T
* See Hoffatber.
Angua s Vegetable Stew
It's obviously very
difficult for a werewolf livin' in a big city where you can't get what you're
used to at home, such as people. In fact Sergeant Angua of the City
Watch assures me she's never ate very much of anyone, and none of us can
help the way we was brought up in any case. Of course, it's even harder
if you're a vegetarian werewolf, because while that's okay by the human
side there's no way you are going to persuade the wolf side to hunt down
lentils. Cleaning your teeth in the morning can't be much fun when you've
turned back into a human again, either. A vegetarian werewolf is always looking
for something different, and this is worth stay in' human for:
1 tablespoon olive oil
450g leeks, sliced
1 green pepper, seeded
and chopped
2 carrots, diced
3 cloves garlic, chopped
300g mushrooms, sliced
300ml vegetable stock
1 400g can chopped
1 tablespoon paprika
1 400g can mixed beans
1 tablespoon balsamic
salt and pepper
125g self-raising flour /; tablespoon mixed herbs 50g
vegetable suet
4—5 tablespoons water
salt and pepper
HEAT THE OIL in a large
frying pan and cook the leeks, green pepper, carrot and garlic
for a few minutes. Add the mushrooms and cook for another few minutes. Add the
stock, the tomatoes
and the paprika. Bring to the boil and then simmer for 15-20 minutes.
Meanwhile, make the
dumplings: mix together all the ingredients and then divide the mixture into a
dozen pieces, shaping each into a ball.
Add the beans and the
balsamic vinegar to the stew, and season. Place the dumplings on the
surface, cover and simmer for 20-25 minutes. Good at any phase of the
Gogol's Clairvoyant Gumbo
Gumbo is one of those
dishes, like stew, where it's ridiculous to have a recipe. You
just make it. And you can prob'ly make gumbo of a sort by simply dredging a
swamp and boilin' up everything that tries to climb out of the net. But it
won't be anything like Mrs Gogol's gumbo. Mrs Gogol* is a witch over in the
swamps around Genua, where the magic's more into stickin' pins in people
and turnin' people into zombies, and there's prob'ly some magic in the
cookery, too.
Mrs Gogol says she can see
the future in her gumbo. You need the knack. But the future you'll see in this
one contains a good dinner at least.
3 tablespoons olive oil
3 heaped tablespoons flour
(for the roux) 2 large
(or 3 small) celery stalks,
trimmed and finely
chopped I small green pepper, seeded
and chopped
* See Wttcbes
1 small red onion,
chopped 2—3
heaped tablespoons Genuan
spice mix (see page 53)
470ml fish stock (or chicken, or veg) 400g tin chopped tomatoes 10—12 pieces
okra, chopped
1 tablespoon dried basil
1 tablespoon dried oregano
1 tablespoon dned
8—10 drops hot pepper
I2 tablespoon
Worcestershire sauce
100ml bourbon (or whisky
mil do) meat from 1 large prepared crab
(or 4 small whole ones)
600g ready-peeled prawns (or 65 Og
in shells)
HEAT THE OIL in a saucepan
and stir in the flour. Cook for about 5 minutes (medium heat), stirring, until
it turns golden brown. Add the celery, pepper and onion and fry until softened.
Add the Genuan spice mix and stir for another minute. Pour in the stock, stir
well to ensure there are no lumps and then add the remaining ingredients except
the crab and prawns. Leave to simmer, stirring occasionally, for 20 minutes.
Add the crab meat and prawns, turn the heat up and bring to boiling point, then
turn back down to medium and cook for a further 8-10 minutes (10-15 minutes if
using crabs/prawns in shells). Serve with rice.
Note: The Genuan spice mix and hot pepper
sauce will make a hot gumbo. Use less if you're not used to spicy food.
Сосиски в
булочках от С.Р.Б.Н. Достабля.
Любой визит в Анк-Морпорк можно
считать неполноценным, если вы не узнали
вкус знаменитых пирожков Господина Себя-Режу-Без-Ножа Достабля, или
иначе «сосиски в булочке». После этого
визит иногда заканчивается очень и очень поспешно. Удивительно, что, несмотря
на это, люди возвращаются и пробуют их
снова. Вероятно, хотят убедиться, что память их не обманывает.
Господин Достабль щедро пожертвовал нам этот рецепт.
Приблизительно на 30 сосисок.
1,4 кг. Фарша из высококачественной
450 гр. Панировочных сухарей
½ ч. ложки мускатного ореха
1 ч. ложка черного перца
3 ст. ложки порезанного свежего шалфея
сосисочная оболочка
булочки на ваш выбор
Смешайте все ингредиенты для сосисок в миске. Добавьте воды, чтобы получить хорошую мягкую структуру и наполняйте смесью сосисочную оболочку, разделяя сосиски узелками. Обжарить сосиски на сковороде или в гриле, подавать горячими вместе со свежими булочками.
*Замечание от Господина Достабля: Я всегда использую высококачественную свинину, 2/3 - постного мяса и 1/3 – жира. Я настаиваю, чтобы шкура, хрящи или любые другие сомнительные части животного не использовались в фарше. **
**Именно это он говорит, и, например, я ему доверяю. Смотреть на его сосиски и говорить: «Гав, гав!» или «Иго-го!» - свидетельство вашего плохого воспитания.
Oggs Special Nibbles
Special Party Dip, Made Specially
They don't have parties
like they had when I was young . . . you know, with jelly and ice cream and you
were sick with excitement before you got home.
I've been told I shouldn't
put too many suggestive recipes in this book, although to my mind things are
only suggestive if you're open to suggestions (for example, my friend
Esmerelda Weatherwax thought the maypole was just a nice country custom until
someone explained symbolism to her, and I just don't want
to be there if anyone tells her about broomsticks). Anyway, tomatoes is
considered aphrodisiacal, and my grandson Shane who is a sailor and has
seen a thing or two says so is a bananana. Surprisin'ly enough, it gives a nice
flavour to the dip.
1 small onion
1 firm, just-ripe bananana
1 small cucumber (or
half a
large one) 1 400g can
love apples
(chopped tomatoes)
1 tablespoon chopped
fresh coriander
2 teaspoons chopped
fresh chilli or chilli powder
3 cloves garhc, crushed • salt and lemon juice, to taste
3 pitta breads
1 tablespoon Genuan
spice mix (see opposite)
olive otl
TO MAKE THE dip: finely
chop the onion, bananana and cucumber and mix with the remaining ingredients.
Chill for at least an hour.
To make the nibbles:
preheat the oven to 180°C/Gas 4. Mix the spice mix with enough oil to make a
runny paste. Slit the pitta breads in half lengthways to form two thin pieces
and cut (scissors are best) into a variety of interesting and appealing shapes.
Place on a baking tray (do not overlap them) and brush lightly with the
oil/spice mix. Bake for 8-10 minutes, or until golden brown and crispy.
Spice Mix
1 tablespoon hot paprika
1 tablespoon onion powder 1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon chilli powder
I2 tablespoon
2 teaspoons dried mixed
Mix all the ingredients
together and store in an airtight container. The adventurous can also try this
mix on banged grains.
of Qutrm s Recipe for a Cheese Sandwich
(Contributed by that
remarkable if somewhat absent-minded genius)
Decide that shape of common
loaf is not suitable for the purpose. Design new baking tin. Devise a new
method of soldering tin. Design more efficient oven.
Doodle in margins a war
engine for overcoming all obstacles and firing gouts of unquenchable fire on to
enemy soldiers.
Design a new type of
harrow. Convert war engine into a device for hauling ploughs and other
agricultural implements over any kind of terrain no matter how rough. Since its
traction is its key feature, decide to call it a Machine for Pulling Heavy
Convert old design for an improved
fighting machine into a better flail. In the margin draw a small picture of a
Design breadknife. Design
machine for making breadknives. Design an improved wheel bearing, using
small balls of, e.g., steel. Design shot tower for making steel balls
of any size. Devise a small hand-cranked machine by which bread of any size and
thickness can be smoothly buttered to any depth.
Consider designs of milk
churns, and improve them. Hear that temperature regulation in dairies is
vitally important in the manufacture of good cheese; design a device for
regulating temperature by means of expanding metal strips, coupled to
pulleys. Call it the Device for Regulating Temperature by Means of Metal Strips
(Coupled to Pulleys).
Design instrument for
waging war over a great distance by focusing the rays of the sun, and
then adapt this to the oven design. Adapt inexplicably non-working machine for
flying and turn into a novel device for churning butter by means of a wind-
mill. With a small adapter
this can, in times of war, easily become a device for hurling
balls of burning butter for up to half a mile. Design a device by which the
moon can be reached, powered by
Send out for pizza.
I've always been famous for
my dumplings. Ask anyone. But the days of the giant, family-sized
dumpling boiled up in a 'clooty' or 'motheaten old vest' seem to have passed.
People just don't seem to have time to spend in sitting very still to digest
their food any more, they want to be up and walking around within a few
hours of lunch. So these belong to a different age, and recreating them
is like bringing a dinosaur back to life. But they're much better than you
might think; making a good dumpling is a mark of a skilled cook. You'll find
that out if ever you have to eat one made by a bad cook.
These have been adjusted a
little to take account of the modern taste for finicky food. Serve with Slumpie
(page 37).
lOOg wholemeal flour
50g chopped suet
1 heaped teaspoon
wholegrain mustard
salt and pepper
3—4 tablespoons water
large pan of stock
(vegetable, beef,
chicken — whatever suits
your guests)
MIX THE FLOUR and suet, making
sure there are no lumps. Add the mustard and a little salt and pepper and mix
well. Add just enough water to make a stiff paste. Break into four equal pieces
and roll into balls.
Bring the stock to the
boil. Carefully drop in the dumplings and simmer for 10-15 minutes. They should
slide off a knife pushed through their centres when done. If the knife bends,
you have done something wrong.
Beefyrmte Spread
My grandson Shane came
across Clammers Beefymite Spread in a shop in Ankh-Morpork and got a bit
partial to it. I wrote to that Mr Clammer, y'know, as one cook to another,
offering to swap the recipe for my special version of Strawberry Wobbler for
his beefymite, but he wasn't having none of it. So I've had to produce my own,
which Shane likes just as much and it's a) a lot cheaper than havin' it shipped
all the way from Ankh-Morpork, b) nothing like the real thing, c) completely
different and d) tasty.
340g corned beef
2 tablespoons
Worcestershire sauce
3 tablespoons mushroom
/j—/2 level teaspoon
cayenne pepper /—5
drops gravy browning (optional)
smooth paste in a blender - or use a potato masher or fork. Transfer to clean
jamjars or other scalable containers. Best eaten within 3-4 days. Store in the
Соус Ухты-Ухты.
Примечание от редакторов: Мы не приносим никаких извинений за включение этого рецепта, что доказывает его огромную популярность.
Рецепт соуса Ухты-Ухты – это фамильное достояние семьи Чудакулли. Аркканцлер Чудакули, подобно большинству волшебников, является заядлым приправщиком; если Вы человек, который кладет мясную котлету между двумя половиками булки, затем кладет сверху сыр, пикули, немного зеленого соуса, чуть-чуть красного соуса и особый сорт маринованных огурчиков, а затем острой горчицы, не забыв, конечно, добавить сладкой горчицы, и обязательно посыпав нарезанной зеленью и другими травами, до того момента, когда мясо незаметно выскальзывает и падает на пол, то у Вас, несомненно есть магические наклонности. Волшебник обязательно оближет горлышко бутылки с соусом, если думает, что его никто не видит.
Это, конечно, не подлинный
рецепт соуса Ухты-Ухты, который можно
изготавливать только при тщательном соблюдении правил и контроле всех
внешних факторов и, в лучшем случае, в итоге он просто взорвется. Даже простое
потряхивание бутылки вызывает катастрофу, и только глупец рискнул бы закурить
послеобеденную сигару, если соус
Ухты-Ухты на столе. Когда бутылка
соуса Ухты-Ухты пятилетней выдержки была найдена в кладовой Незримого
Университета, целое крыло было эвакуировано на два дня, до тех пор, пока соус
не был испытан на контрольном обеде.
приблизительно с
1 ст.
300 мл. мясного
1 ч.
1 дес.
белого винного
1 ст.
1 ст.
и черный
1 с
ст. ложка
4 маринованных грецких ореха, мелко нарезанных
*Вам нужно будет сделать грибной концентрат заранее (см. рецепт ниже). Если у Вас нет времени, Вустерширский соус может заменить концентрат и портвейн, но часть утонченного вкуса может быть потеряна.
масло в кастрюле, перемешайте с мукой и добавьте полученную смесь в мясной
бульон. Поставьте на средний огонь и постоянно помешивайте до получения
однородного, густого соуса. Добавьте
горчицу, винный уксус, портвейн и грибной концентрат, приправьте солью и перцем,
держите на огне еще приблизительно 10
минут. Засыпать петрушку, грецкие орехи и перемешать, подавать на стол в
горячем виде.
Соус, добавленный к ростбифу, заставит забыть о неприятностях и направит Вас в жизнерадостное русло.
Грибной концентрат
больших грибов (шляпки)
Положить грибы в кастрюлю и обсыпать солью. Оставить приблизительно на 3 часа, а
затем растолочь в пюре. Закрыть кастрюлю и оставить на ночь. На следующий день
отжать жидкость из кастрюли (использование сита для отжима позволит извлечь
большее количество жидкости). Кипятить, постоянно помешивая, пока объем
жидкости не уменьшиться примерно в половину. Должна получиться столовая ложка
грибного концентрата для Вашего соуса.
It's amazin' what people
will eat. No one who was hungry would want to eat a plate of winkles - you
could die before you worked out how to twiddle the pin properly. And when you
think of all the good bits there are to eat on a pig, the feet wouldn't
probably be in the first ten. But when Ankh-Morpork people are far from home,
there are things - like falling into an open sewer, or being eaten by
cockroaches - that make them think of home. A proper knuckle sandwich is one of
them, too. It's poor man's food, 'cos the rich man has eaten the rest of the
pig. And the motto is: always wangle a dinner invitation from the rich man.
2pig's trotters 1 bouquet garni 1
tablespoon mustard seeds butter or olive oil (or garlic butter/garlic
olive oil)
pain rustique * or other crusty rolls fresh
cress or thinly sliced cucumber
with the bouquet garni and the mustard seeds. Cover with water and bring to the
boil. Simmer until the meat is tender (35-45 minutes, depending on size).
Remove from the pan and shake off any excess water. To make the sandwiches,
remove the meat from the bone, brush lightly with the butter or oil and grill
until golden brown and crispy. Arrange neatly in a split pain rustique with a
little fresh cress or wafer-thin sliced cucumber.
*Er . ... just bread. It
means 'painfully rustic', or stone-ground flour with the rocks left in.
Bucket's Favourite Snack
Mr Seldom Bucket, one of
Ankh-Morpork's leading businessmen and a power to be reckoned with in the dairy
products industry,* reckons that there is nothing that cannot be improved by a
bit of cheese, and he made sure that his wife, who I can't help
feelin' a bit sorry for, sent me a big pile of fun-with-cheese recipes.
I have to agree that cheese trifle and cheese toffee are very novel indeed, but
I reckon we'd all be happy with cheese on toast. It's one of those dishes you
can't beat, when it comes to things made out of cheese and toast.
4 slices wholemeal bread
2 slices boiled bam (or
2 large
sausages, cooked and
sliced in
half lengthways)
2 slices farmhouse
Cheddar cheese butter for spreading and frying wholegrain mustard (optional)
2 eggs, beaten
40? Emmental cheese,
O ' O
knob of butter softened salt and pepper
MAKE TWO SANDWICHES using the bread, ham
and cheese, and mustard if you want it. Heat a little butter in a frying
pan and fry the sandwiches, turning until both sides are crisp and golden
brown. Put the sandwiches on separate plates.
For the sauce, beat
together in a pan the eggs, grated cheese, softened butter, and salt and
pepper. Heat gently, whisking continuously (to stop the eggs curdling). Once
the mixture is warmed through and runny, pour it in even quantities over the
sandwiches. Serve immediately.
* See Maskemde
for more on this self-made man who is proud of his handiwork.
Nobby s
Mum s Distressed Pudding
I takes off my hat to Mrs
Maisie Nobbs of Old Cobblers, Ankh-Morpork, who is the mother of
the famous or at any rate notorious Cpl Nobby Nobbs of the City Watch. It's a
lot harder to be a good cook in a big industrial city, because in the
country there's usually more stuff available - as we say, you can bake
it, fry it or boil it, but for choice you poach it. In the city,
what you eat is mainly sugar, starch or stale. Mrs Nobbs is a
mistress of all those dishes that make you think of fog and coal smoke -like
Wet Nellies, Tuppenny Uprights, Treacle Billy, Jammy
Devils and Distressed Pudding. They fill you up and keep the cold out. That's
what they're made for. You've got to be posh to worry about healthy eatin'.
4 slices white bread,
crusts cut off 20 stewed prunes, stoned 1 tablespoon black treacle mixed 425g rice pudding with 2
tablespoons golden syrup
180°C/Gas 4. Grease a deep pie dish (roughly 20crn x 12crn). Place two
slices of bread in the bottom of the dish and drizzle over a little of the
treacle/syrup mix. Spoon over half the rice pudding and top with half the prunes.
Repeat the process with the remaining bread, rice pudding and prunes,
and top with another drizzle of treacle/syrup. Bake in the top of the oven for
30 minutes or until golden brown. Once tasted, fondly remembered.
How can I put this? It's
pink and it wobbles. A lot of laughs at parties. You could try serving it in a
bowl, but everyone will know you're not doin' it right.
on the size of your flutes)
2—3 sachets gelatine (or veggie
equivalent) 300ml
boiling water 250g strawberries 150ml extra-thick double cream
2 tablespoons caster
(or to taste)
strawberry ice cream,
for serving 4 large champagne flutes
Editor's Note: This dish is much easier with a
blender! And we've settled for the champagne flutes because the containers
apparently preferred by Mrs Ogg are ... well, unavailable. Well, you don't see
them in the shops. Well, not the shops on the High Street, certainly . . . Not
our High Street, anyway.
the water following the instructions on the packet and leave to cool for 10-15
Meanwhile, rinse and 'top'
the strawberries, chop in half and place in a large bowl/blender. Add most of
the cream - keep a little aside for decoration - and the sugar. If using a
blender, whizz it all up to a milkshake consistency. Otherwise, use a potato
masher and mash until smooth.
When the gelatine has
cooled, mix thoroughly with the strawberry mixture and pour into the champagne
flutes. Chill for two hours (or until set).
Gently ease the wobblers
out of the glasses (using a palette knife or similar) onto a plate, and serve
upended with a couple of scoops of ice cream, placed according to preference,
and a drizzle of cream.
Stupid Johnson} Individual Fruit Pie
from The Edible Architecture of Bergholt Stuttley Johnson, by
Startup Nodder, FAMG, AitD,
Ankh-Morpork Guild of Architects
Press, $10 plus 3 site
visits at $20 an hour)
People now recall Bergholt
Stuttley Johnson, or 'Bloody Stupid Johnson' as he was known far and
wide, as merely an architect and landscape designer with an unfortunate
blind spot in matters of size and a general lack of grasp of the basic
principles of, not to put too fine a point on it, anything at
all. In his way, and a very strange and confused way it was, he
was a genius. Only someone with a very special cast of mind would have
specified quicksand as a building material (the Collapsed Tower of Quirm)
'because it's got to be done in a hurry' or accidentally built an entire house
upside down (No. 1 Scoone Avenue, Ankh-Morpork - the cellars, the
only part above ground, are still in use).
In the words of Sir Joshua
Ramkin: 'Having anything designed by Bloody Stupid Johnson is like a box of
chocolates - you always get that horrible strawberry one which someone else has
already sucked and put back in.'
Never were his peculiar
talents more apparent than in his occasional essays in cookery. Few survivors
now recall these, but in most cases the wreckage is there for everyone
to see. For example, the top tier of a wedding cake designed for a
friend was until fairly recently used as a bandstand in the Apothecary Gardens,
and was a monument not only to Johnson's mercurial attitude to dimensions but
also to his unique skill in achieving with icing sugar a hardness not often
found in cement.
Unfortunately, nothing now remains of the Great Fruit Pie except some etchings made at the time, a rough copy of the original recipe and a few scars on buildings quite a long way from the site. Records tell of
the teams
of oxen needed to drag the enormous dish into position, the bargeloads of
apples brought down the River Ankh for the filling, the catastrophe of the
sinking of the Queen of Quirm with her full load of sugar. There are
rather more accounts of the explosion that occurred on the second Friday of the
cooking process, which caused red-hot short-crust pastry to scythe across a
large part of Ankh-Morpork and accounted for the occasional shower of sultanas
and deep-frozen baked apple for some days afterwards.
Many of
the more experienced workers were altogether too close when it blew, but the
recipe is believed to have been as follows:
30,000 lb plain flour
30,000 teaspoons salt 15,000 Ib butter I margarine cold water
30 tons cooking apples,
peeled and sliced 1,000
Ib sultanas 10,000 Ib sugar 1 clove
MAKE THE PASTRY by sifting
the flour and salt into a container, then rub in the butter or margarine until
the mixture forms 'breadcrumbs'. Then add enough cold water to make it all into
a stiff dough. Roll* out the pastry on a floured surfacef and use half to line
the cooking container:}:.
Peel, core and slice the
apples§ and combine with the sultanas. Place half in the container. Add the
sugar and the clove. Add the
well-washed garden rollers were used here, after the specially designed
self-propelled rolling pin demolished several houses. fEdgeway Street was
scrubbed and floured.
:j:A disk
was cast for this purpose, which now forms the roof of a house in Mollymog
Street. §Mr Johnson had designed a machine for doing this, but after it stapled
one of the foremen to a wall the job was subsequently done by three shifts of
men working around the clock.
rest of the apples, and
winch the remaining pastry into place over the top.
The cooking time is
unknown, except that it was very clearly far too long.
PS: It is
believed that Johnson was vaguely aware of what every cook
which is that when baking a big pie some provision must be made
to allow
the venting of the steam generated. Certainly he had drawn up
plans for
a 30-foot-high 'whistling blackbird',
but this
was not, however, cast until a
week after
the explosion, owing to
what would
have had to be called
project management if in
fact there
had been any
management at all.
It is
displayed in
Hide Park,
as a
to those
caught in
the crust.
Ogg's Perfectly Innocent Porridge
Completely Inoffensive Honey Mixture Which Shouldn't Make Anyone's Wife Laugh
. . . 'cos they made me take out a
couple of what you might call the more active ingredients. And this was the
recipe that got my book The Joye of snacks talked about, too. People
always said my porridge with honey mixture got the day off to a good start.
Some people even had it for supper. I mean, this version is all very well,
quite nice really, pretty good, in fact, but it's not the whole nine . . . the
full mon . . . the real mac Feegle, if you see what I mean. People say the real
thing was a rampant aphrodisiac, but I say there's not enough love in
the world.
My gentleman friend
Casanunda always said my porridge was worth waking up to, although I
can't say he was a person who needed much porridge. Keeping it away from him
was the difficult bit.
600ml water 6Qg rolled
cream, to taste
Honey Mixture (see page
BRING THE WATER to the boil
in a largish pan. Sprinkle in the oats, stirring all the time. Continue
to boil and stir for 5 minutes. Swirl in cream and honey mixture to taste.
Mr Albert
Malich, inventor and sole eater of fried porridge.
Note: The honey mixture may also be used
in a hot toddy, spooned over ice cream, sorbet or the person of your choice.
1 small jar clear honey
(approx. 113gj fingernail-sized
piece of gold leaf
3—4 clean rose petals,
finely chopped (the sort used for cake decoration;
a vanilla pod or three
drops of you don't have to use this but it
vanilla essence does give
it that magical twinkle)
Place the unopened jar of
honey in a bowl of hot water for a couple of minutes to warm slightly. Remove
and dry the jar. Open it and carefully stir in the remaining ingredients. Leave
for at least a couple of hours for the flavours to infuse, and always shake the
jar well before use.
Special Secret Sauce
It has to be said right away
that this lacks a couple of ingredients from the original Ogg recipe, because
of the unfortunate - if you happen to be in a public restaurant, at
least - effects that they can have. For one thing, you will have to pay for the
broken crockery. Seekers after forbidden knowledge will have to find a copy of
7"he Joye of Snacks that has not spontaneously combusted. People
make a lot of fuss over this sort of thing, I can't think why.*
250^ setf-raising flour 60g
cornflour 30g cocoa powder 155g caster sugar 155g unsalted butter
150ml double cream 6—7
cardamom pods I4 teaspoon cinnamon
3 eggs, beaten
90ml milk
125g white choc chips
4—5 tablespoons dark
chocolate syrup
A teaspoon nutmeg
60g white or milk
20ml white rum
19O°C/Gas 5-6. Mix all the dry ingredients for the delight in a bowl and then
rub in the butter. Add the eggs and milk and beat thoroughly. Swirl in the
white chocolate chips and syrup, making sure not to overmix (the syrup should
give a ripple effect). Divide between two 20cm, deep, well-greased cake tins
and bake in the top part of the oven for 30 minutes, or until a skewer comes
out clean when testing.
*See Maskerade
for reasons why the editors insisted on certain ingredients being removed.
Note: This is a cross between a pudding
and a cake and should be moist. When baked, allow to cool for 5 minutes and, if
not for immediate consumption, transfer to an airtight container . . . hah,
what am I saying, you'll scoff the lot.
Start preparing the sauce
about 10 minutes before the delight is ready. Warm the cream with the spices,
taking care not to boil. Break up the chocolate and stir into the cream. When
it has melted, add the rum. Keep stirring for a couple more minutes, then
remove the cardamom pods. Serve with the delight fresh from the oven.
Самый не любимый
десерт Веренса II короля Ланкра.
Люди спрашивают меня: « Почему наш король не любит крыжовник с взбитыми сливками?». Причина в том, что после десяти лет в Шутовской Гильдии вы уже ни когда не захотите смотреть на что-нибудь подобное. Он приличный король во многих отношениях, но, тем не менее, в королевстве взбитые сливки объявлены вне закона.
вы едите этот десерт в Ланкре, кто-то обязательно должен стоять на стреме, и
это не зависимо оттого, что желтый порошок для них придется тайком ночью переправлять через границу.
Я люблю время от времени поесть чуточку взбитых сливок, и я могу сделать их в любое удобное для меня время.
На 4 порции.
380 гр. Ягод крыжовника
100 гр. Сахарной пудры
200 мл. Взбитых сливок
В миске на небольшом огне варим крыжовник вместе с сахарной
пудрой, приблизительно 15 минут, до тех
пор, пока шкурка не растрескается. Затем снимаем с огня и ждем, пока смесь
охладится. Уже охлажденную смесь протираем
через сито (или перемешайте
миксером) до образования пюре.
Взбиваем сливки до крепкой пены. Раскладываем
фруктовое пюре по отдельный вазочкам и сверху аккуратно выкладываем сливки.
Держать блюдо в прохладном месте до подачи на стол или до броска в голову ближайшего клоуна в широких штанах.
Oggs Maids of Honour
Take your
eyes off 'em and they end up as tarts (just my little joke, no offence
150g mascarpone cheese j
\ar^e ^ foaten '
1 tablespoon Comtreau
200g rich shortcrust pastry
1 teaspoon mixed spice
IQOg pink marzipan
sugar to taste (1-2 teaspoons) ^ ^ c^emes
anj cocoa pow(jer
to decorate
22O°C/Gas 7. Lightly grease 6 barquette moulds (12cm x 6cm approx). Mix
together the mascarpone, Comtreau, mixed spice and sugar, then
beat in the egg.
Roll out the pastry to
around 0.75cm thickness and line each tin, leaving a little edge on each. Roll
out the marzipan as thinly as possible and line the pastry, making sure that
you bring the marzipan well up to the top so that it can be seen in the finished
Spoon the mascarpone
mixture into the tins - not quite to the top - and bake the tarts in the top of
the oven for around 25 minutes, or until golden brown. Once they are out of the
oven, leave for 10 minutes or so, until the filling is set a little, before
removing from the tins to cool on a wire rack.
Before serving, sprinkle
a little cocoa powder around the edges and place a quarter glace cherry on
Men and Women
Рецепт бананов от
Комментарии относительно видовой принадлежности кого-либо всегда считалось проявлением плохих манер. Так высказывания типа: «О, так ты значит гном», или « Давно ли ты стал троллем?», не помогут растопить лед в отношениях. По этой же причине, лучше подробно не останавливаться на факте, что Библиотекарь Незримого университета – орангутан, а BhangBhangduc – означает «Конечно, не обезьяна».
Весьма любезно он согласился потратить некоторое время и тщательно просмотрев личное собрание рецептов, представил испытанного фаворита следующим образом:
Иначе, для не обезьян: «Возьмите один банан».
There's nothin' like a bit
of Klatchian Delight or, failin' that, some sticky sweets. Pers'nally I don't
think you can ever make it as good as the real thing. From what
I've heard about Klatch they do things there that are a lot more
delightful than eatin' sweets, but the name has stuck, just like
the sweets.
rice paper (25g packet
is ample)
300ml water
50g gelatine (2 sachets)
veggie alternative 450?
caster sugar
o o
I4 teaspoon
lemon juice
// teaspoon pink food colouring A
teaspoon lemon flavouring l/ teaspoon rum flavouring (different
colours and flavours may be used)
LINE A DEEP baking
tray (about 25em x 35em) with a double layer of rice paper.
Be careful to leave no gaps or your 'delight' will stick to the tray!
Bring the water to the boil
in a large pan, sprinkle in the gelatine and whisk until dissolved (or
follow manufacturer's instructions). Add the sugar and lemon juice and stir
until dissolved. Carry on boiling and stirring for 20 minutes, lowering the
heat if necessary. Remove from the heat and leave to stand without stirring for
about 10 minutes. Add the colouring and flavourings and mix.
Using a ladle or
large spoon, transfer the liquid into the lined tray (it should be a good
centimetre deep). Leave to set in a cool, dry place for 24 hours.
When ready, cut into 6cm x
3cm rectangular pieces and fold those over to form squares so that the rice
paper is on the outside. Alternatively, cut into strips and use as fly
Those looking for that
genuine 'as sold by Cut-Me-Own-Hand-Off Dblah' look may care to sprinkle with
small blackcurrants in lieu of flies. A dusting of icing sugar could be a nice
finishing touch, too.
Катализатор Энгельхерта
Он просто незаменим, особенно если прошлой ночью Вы выпили лишнего. Однако, если вы
предпочитаете напитки из обратнолетнего винограда или зерна (которые растут из
настоящего в прошлое, так что Вы
испытываете похмелье на день раньше
тяжелой попойки), то и
Катализатор должны пить днем раньше.
Относительно шипучих таблеток существует интересный факт. Говорят, что у троллей не бывает отрыжки, и если Вы дадите ему шипучую таблетку, то он взорвется. И это действительно случится, и он вмажет Вам действительно очень сильно. Поэтому не надо этого делать.
На 1 порцию
175 мл. малинового питьевого йогурта
175 мл. крем соды
2 таблетки шипучего витамина С, с черной смородиной (следуйте инструкции по дозировке)
Смешайте йогурт и крем соду в большой пивной кружке или в чем-то похожем. Добавьте таблетки, отойдите назад и наблюдайте. Когда напиток успокоится, выпейте его. Затем возвращайтесь в постель.
Downey's Mint Humbugs
The president of the
Ankh-Morpork Guild of Assassins has provided us with this recipe and he is a
man who knows his sweets, having been notoriously generous with them on
occasion. These, he tells me, 'are to die for'. Or possibly 'of. His writing is
a little unclear.
400g sugar
5 table spoons liquid
250m/ water
1I2 teaspoon cream of
'I2 teaspoon
peppermint oil
a few drops of green
food colouring
oil for greasing
arsenic to taste
A note from the editors:
Ah, we think we
have spotted a problem with this recipe. Arsenic has been used in times past as
a food colouring material (such a lovely green), but we suspect that this is
not what Lord Downey has in mind. The Guild of Lawyers would like us to point
out that putting arsenic in food can result in health problems, such as
death. Do bear in mind the name of the Guild Lord Downey belongs to, and
forget the arsenic. Over the years, many tests have found that not putting
arsenic in food is the best place for it. Arsenic is not found in a little
shaker alongside the salt and pepper. It is not there for a reason. Forget the
OIL TWO LARGE plates and
set aside for later. Mix the sugar and glucose together in a saucepan. Add the
water and stir together over a gentle heat until the sugar has dissolved, not
adding arsenic at any point. Add the cream of tartar, bring to the boil
and continue to boil until the sugar reaches 14O°C (use a sugar thermometer).
You can test it by dropping a few drops into a bowl of iced water; the mixture
should become brittle.
Remove the pan from the
heat and add the peppermint oil.
Divide the mixture between
the two oiled plates (it will be very hot). Using an oiled palette knife add
the green food colouring to one half (this is a good time not to add any
arsenic), turning it well to distribute the colour evenly. The mixture can now
be left until it is cool enough to handle.
Oil your hands, then mould
each cooled half separately into a
sausage shape and lengthen
this out to a thickish strand. You'll need to work quite quickly before any
arsenic is added. Twine the two strands together like a rope and then snip into
small pieces with oiled scissors, turning the 'rope' at each cut. When the
humbugs are hardened, wrap them individually in waxed or other nonstick food
wrap and store in an airtight tin, away from any arsenic.
Spotted Dick
The editors seemed to be
very worried about including this. I don't see why anyone should be. It's a
perfectly traditional dish, with a few little tweaks. Spotted dick: a long
pudding, or dick, spotted with currants. When you've said that, you've said it
all. I mean, if people are going to laugh about something like this we'd never
get through a mealtime. I know it was in The Joye of Snacks, but that
was just because I happen to like it. Ask anyone.
This is a good solid
pudding, for people who wouldn't be seen dead eating a sorbet. A good helping
of Spotted Dick is a meal in itself.
E S 4
90g fresh breadcrumbs 90g
self-raising flour 90g shredded suet 60g caster sugar 180g raisins or currants
1 teaspoon grated nutmeg
1 teaspoon cinnamon 4—5 tablespoons milk flour for dusting custard, to serve
MIX TOGETHER IN a bowl all
the ingredients except the milk. Gradually stir in the milk until you achieve a
soft dough consistency. Transfer to a floured surface and roll the mixture out
into a 'sausage' shape. Wrap it loosely in a greaseproof paper (the mixture
will expand while cooking) and then wrap with cooking foil, tightly sealing the
Steam over rapidly boiling
water for lV2-2 hours, checking regularly to make sure your pan
doesn't boil dry. When cooked, carefully unwrap your pudding, transfer
it to a warmed dish and serve with plenty of custard, some well-worn
doubles entendres and a few comments like 'Oo-er, missus!'
A handy portable food
introduced from the Counterweight Continent.* The original version is really a
human variety of dwarf bread (see page 95), i.e., it keeps you alive but makes
you wish you were dead and it keeps really well because no one really wants to
eat it. I've prettied it up a bit to make it appealin' to people who aren't on
a raft somewhere and haven't already eaten their clothes and the weakest person
1 OOg plain wholemeal
lOOg porridge oats
lOOg ground almonds
1 heaped teaspoon sugar
I2 teaspoon
bicarbonate of soda
50g melted
1 teaspoon green food
colouring (for
that 'authentic' been-left-in-the-
depths-of-a -suitcase
look) 4—5 tablespoons water
200°C/Gas 6. Mix all the dry ingredients together thoroughly in a bowl. Add the
margarine/ butter and rub in until it is absorbed. Add food colour if desired.
Add the water, a spoonful at
a time, until you get a marzipan-like consistency. Roll out on a floured
surface until 0.5cm thick and cut into 6cm rounds. Place on a greased tray and
bake at the top of the oven for 20-25 minutes or until golden green.
'See The
Colour of Magic.
Липкие Чертики.
Этот рецепт подарен Госпожой Мэйси Ноббс, и служит прекрасным примером Анк-Морпоркской утонченной пикантности, сладкий и недорогой. Подходящая вещь для легкой закуски посреди ночной смены.
На 15 штук
100 гр. не соленого
75 гр. сахарной пудры
1 взбитое яйцо
200 гр. муки
3-4 большие ст. ложки джема
Предварительно разогреть духовку до 180 гр. Цельсия. Смазать маслом формочки
для выпечки.
вместе масло и сахар, добавить яйцо.
Постепенно помешивая, добавьте муку до образования мягкого теста.
Добавить в тесто полную ст. ложку джема
и тщательно перемешать.
десертную ложку смеси для чертиков положить в каждую формочку для кексов. В
центр каждого чертика аккуратно кладете немного джема, приблизительно в
половину чайной ложки.
Выпекать в верхней части духовки 25 – 30 минут, или до образования золотисто- коричневой корочки.
Пилюли из сушеных лягушек.
Цитируя Казначея Незримого университета: « Ложка! Дайте ростер! Я не могу схватить Вас, сэр, действительно не могу, меня кто-то держит или я не Траклибед! Я буду пару ломтиков, если можно!»
Экстраполировав это, Аркканцлер Незримого университета доктор Наверн Чудакулли сообщил нам: « Вскоре, после того как меня выбрали Аркканцлером Университета, мне стало ясно, что Казначей безумен как гусь, я испробовал все возможные способы, что бы подбодрить его (посредством практических шуток и тому подобного), но ничего не сработало. Тогда молодой Думмнингс Тупс, наш волшебник, у которого весьма современное мышление, натолкнулся на некое старинное исследование, которое предполагало, что кожа некоторых видов лягушек вызывает галлюцинации, и он рассудил, что если было бы возможно выделить активный компонент и немного его модифицировать то, возможно, сильные галлюцинации вернули бы казначея во вменяемое состояние. Очень похвальное изобретение. Кажется, это действует, и если наш дорогой Казначей не забывает принимать пилюли, то вполне соответствует университетским стандартам вменяемости.
Примечание редакторов: Мы исключили лягушек – как основной ингредиент рецепта, потому, что его применение привело бы к:
А) жестокости к лягушкам;
Б) вспышкам смертельной вменяемости среди читателей.
0 лягушек
1 белок небольшого яйца
30 г. сахарной пудры
1 чайная ложка с горкой, корицы
1 чайная ложка рома
1 чайная ложка пищевого красителя
ТЩАТЕЛЬНО НЕ БЕРЕТЕ никаких лягушек и не сушите их. Взбиваете яичный белок в густую пену, постепенно добавляя часть сахарной пудры. Потом добавляете просеянную корицу, ром и пищевой краситель, все тщательно перемешиваете. Высыпаете оставшийся сахар и мешать до тех пор, пока смесь не перестанет приставать к пальцам. На противень промасленной бумагой, и на нее уложить сделанные из приготовленной смеси шарики размером не больше горошины, и оставить их сушиться на 8 часов.
Принимать всякий раз, когда реальность подбирается слишком близко, или когда начинаете слышать голоса.
It's a funny thing, language.
There's a country on the river Djel, which flows into the Circle Sea,
called 'Child of the Djel' and, fancy, it sounds just like
our word for 'rubbery sweets in the shapes of small children'. But then, in
Uberwald the city of 'Ankh-Morpork' sounds just like their words for a ladies'
undergarment, which is just as well because one of their main cities is
pronounced Bonk.
Oddly enough, jelly babies
are now very popular in Djelibeybi, having been introduced by a former king,
who was educated in Ankh-Morpork and enjoyed a joke. They're considered to be
very good for fertility, but once again I haven't been allowed to include the
special ingredient, worse luck.
175^ stoned dates, finely
1—3 tablespoons water
1 teaspoon cinnamon
/2 teaspoon ground
60g walnuts, finely
chopped 4 tablespoons clear honey, warmed ground almonds for rolling
little water to make a paste. Pteppic's servants would use a pestle and mortar;
you could use a wooden spoon and bowl if you want to do it the hard way, or a
food blender if you're rich and lazy. Stir in the spices and then mix in the
chopped walnuts. Shape the mixture into little bite-size balls, or into
authentic 'Djelibeybis', brush them with a little of the warmed honey and then
roll them in a plate of the ground almonds to cover. Alternatively, put some
ground almonds into a bag and then shake the Djelibeybis gently in the bag to
coat them.
No one ever seems to know
what a Figgin is or if they want theirs toasted, but one meaning of the word is
the handy snack described below. To my mind, all the ingredients are optional
except the brandy (most of which vanishes in the cooking, but if you
want to pay to have a drunk oven, that's fine by Yrs Truly).
(making it
in two separate batches is easier in a small kitchen)
155g ready'-to-eat figs
155g stoned dates 85s currants
7—8 tablespoons brandy
1 heaped teaspoon mixed
spice 750g shortcrust pastry a little melted butter, milk and brown sugar for
sealing and glazing the pastry
CHOP THE FIGS and dates finely
and mix the fruit, brandy and spice together in a bowl. Cover and leave
overnight in a cool, dark place.
Next day, preheat the oven
to 200°C/Gas 6-7. Roll out half the pastry into a 25cm square. Cut into nine
equal squares and spread a little melted butter along two sides of each. Spoon
about one large teaspoon of the filling onto each square, fold along the
diagonal to form a triangle and press firmly along the buttered edges to seal.
Repeat with the remaining pastry and filling. Brush each with a little milk and
sprinkle with brown sugar. Gently pierce each with a fork, place them carefully
on a greased baking tray and bake for 20 minutes, or until golden brown.